Bryan ISD Retirement Banquet

Bryan ISD is celebrating employees who are retiring this school year.

On Tuesday, April 23 the school district recognized 37 employees at our annual retirement banquet.

Retiree Carol Cune and School Board President Dr. Julie HarlinIt was held at the Bryan ISD Administration Building.

The event included performances by the Rudder High School Rosewood String Quartet. The program was hosted by Sandy Farris, a former 30-year employee of Bryan ISD who served as Communications Director and a teacher during her time at the district.

"It was a rewarding career," Farris said as she addressed the crowd.

Retiree Janice Williamson and School Board President Dr. Julie HarlinThe retirees were recognized by school board members. It included a message from the School Board President Dr. Julie Harlin. Student photographers from Bryan High School were also on hand to capture images that evening while Student Ambassadors assisted at the dinner. Bryan ISD Student Ambassador Delilah Regan gave remarks.

"You deserve all the applause in the world for the work you’ve done for the city, district, and especially us, the children.  You’ve left a bigger impact than you could ever imagine," she said. "Our childhood is the most formative time of our lives. It is when we make our first friends, discover our interests, and ultimately choose our path in life. Most importantly, our dreams are born during this time," said Regan.

Retiree Jean Cash and School Board Member Joel Bryan

"Tonight is bittersweet as we celebrate your commitment to our school family but at the same time, we are also sad to see you leave Bryan ISD.  One thing is for certain, we are honored to recognize you and I hope that you will feel the love, respect, and admiration for you as we recognize the years you have invested in our district," said Ginger Carrabine, Bryan ISD Superintendent.

Thank you again to all of our incredible employees for your years of service!

Our social media post with photos recapping the event is here.

We also appreciate our sponsors including Physicians Premier ER, Daniel Stark Law Firm and JaCody Construction.

Retiree Geneva Salvaggio and Rick Scott, Custodial Supervisor

Bryan ISD Retirement Banquet

Bryan ISD Retirement Banquet Sponsors